Company name | Process Artz Co. ltd. |
Registered head office | 3-18-4 Ryougoku, Sumida-ku, 130-0026, Tokyo |
Major business domain | Quality data management and analysis software sales and development Process data management consultation |
Paid-in Capital | 10,000,000 JPY |
Business Hours | Monday - Friday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM (excluding public holidays) |
Phone | +81-3-5638-8031 |
Contact | Please get in touch with us through the Contact Form |
Origin of the company name
Process art emphasizes the process of creating a work of art, focusing on the characteristics of materials and techniques rather than the finished product.
In the industrial world, a work of art is, of course, a product. On the other hand, production condition parameters and inspection data express the process. Our software focuses on the process of creating a product. It positions the act of uncovering hidden hints in the data that can lead to quality improvements and innovation in production technology as a work of art. As a group of data artisans specializing in manufacturing process data, we will help you improve your production process and enhance quality.
Focusing on pass-on production techniques through digital technology
Quality analysis results are merely statistical interpretations of data and have no value. The analysis results must be linked to actions to improve and bring economic benefits from the data.
But nothing special is needed. All you need is a hypothesis and data to prove it. There are many hints for hypotheses that lead to improvements in everyday processes.
Here are some examples.
"Even though machine one and machine two are used with the same settings, machine 1 produces many defective products for some reason."
"The accuracy of the processing machine decreases during the afternoon shift."
It may be possible to determine empirically whether such hypotheses are correct over time. However, it will only be personal know-how if you cannot explain trends and phenomena. Without data, you don't know the exact cause and cannot provide numerical values that serve as a basis for improvement.
In the first example, collecting information on machine setting parameters and jigs for each piece of equipment may allow one to discover the difference and identify the cause.
In the second example, it may be possible to identify the cause by collecting and analyzing equipment data, such as temperature changes over time and tool wear, linked to product inspection data.
Almost all in-process quality data and production condition parameters are output from manufacturing equipment and inspection devices. Unlike data such as sales trends and stock prices, which are influenced by human will, machines do not change their behavior capriciously. Therefore, if a specific trend is discovered within a process, the more automated the process is, the more likely it will be reproduced.
Suppose a highly reproducible trend can be found in digital data. In that case, corrections are possible, and the trend can become a great asset in the form of inheritable production technology for a company.